Sunday, March 1, 2009


Well the debate about Wikipedia being a legit source has been going on for quite a while and I suspect it will continue on for quite some time. Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia that ordinary people like me and you can edit. In my opinion, Wikipedia can be a good secondary source but not so much a primary source due to the fact anyone can edit the information at anytime. I use Wikipedia alot for stuff because it's so quick and easy but if I'm doing a paper or project for school I use other more reliable sources. If I was teaching, I would tell my students to refrain from using Wikipedia for anything relating to school.

"The Last Lecture"

I thoroughly enjoyed watching and listening to Randy Pausch's Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams. It was pretty inspirational listening to a guy who has only months to live but yet he still refuses to make excuses. He didn't blame anyone, he just kept going about his life and accepted what went along with it. I don't like when people start looking for something to blame when they are going through a tough time because truthfully so many more people have it worse than they do.

In his lecture, he talks about how to achieve personal and career goals. He gives advice on how to reach them goals. He uses examples from his childhood to explain what his goals were. He uses some pretty funny examples too. Not only does he talk about achieving your own personal goals, he talks about reaching out to others and helping them with theirs.

Next, he talked about the obstacles you will face on your way to reaching your goals. Obstacles are placed in your way to see how bad you really want something. Pausch says how you act and talk makes a difference to the way people judge you. You want people to respect you so treat others with respect. He says it is also good to have like a personal friend or family member you can trust and help you along the way.

That's what I got out of the lecture. It goes back to living life day-by-day and never take anything for granted because you never know when it's going to be gone. I always took this approach but to hear it from someone who is down to their last months of living is really inspiring. I took some valuable advice out of his lecture and I hope others could do the same.